
Is It Essential To Invest Significantly In Plant And Wildlife Preservation?

 The news that wildlife is at risk seems upsetting... in the start but numbs eventually. It doesn't matter if it is the California condors, tigers, pandas, mountain gorillas , or the coral reefs. Is worrying about them worth it? Certainly! If cute pandas vanished, we will feel sad, but we don't depend on them. Nevertheless, it is extremely crucial to care about humans rather than spending millions on animal preservation. The cost of preserving wild and plant life is significant - Is it essential? There are multiple reasons why we must not save the endangered species . The astounding cost is the most obvious one. Billions are spent every year in the conservation of endangered wildlife rather than taking care of starving, dying, or sick people. It is hard to understand the reason for preserving predators like wolves and tigers, who are a threat to cattle and people. Actually, extinction is natural, and the ones we are aware of is the disappearance of dinosaurs 65 million years i...

Traveling With Your Pet?

 Life turned on a dime one afternoon on highway 154, t he pass between Santa Barbara, California and Santa Ynez. Diane Stevenett was traveling with her dog Jake. The car was fully packed with a lot of art painting stuff including a giant white paper roll, painting accessories, brushes, watercolors, equipment for music class, and Jake "the Great" took up the entire 2nd row of seats behind the driver, his usual spot. As they came up on a traffic jam, her car was last in the row when suddenl y a raised black monster pick-up appeared trying to "shoot the gap. " The car in front of her dogged aside, and her car was exposed to the giant truck. The collision was unavoidable. In a few seconds, the car was smashed, blood and glass all over Diane and Jake as he was thrown into the windshield. Both of them ended up thrown out of their car, onto the road. Jake and Diane survived this severe accident but Jake's internal injuries set into motion his early death later. The he...

Is It Essential To Invest Significantly In Plant And Wildlife Preservation?

 The news that wildlife is at risk seems upsetting... in the start but numbs eventually . It doesn't matter if it is the California condors, tigers, pandas, mountain gorillas, or the coral reefs. Is worrying about them worth it? Certainly! If cute pandas vanished, we will feel sad, but we don't depend on them. Nevertheless, it is extremely crucial to care about humans rather than spending millions on animal preservation. The cost of preserving wild and plant life is significant - Is it essential? There are multiple reasons why we must not save the endangered species. The astounding cost is the most obvious one. Billions are spent every year in the conservation of endangered wildlife rather than taking care of starving, dying, or sick people. It is hard to understand the reason for preserving predators like wolves and tigers, who are a threat to cattle and people. Actually, extinction is natural, and the ones we are aware of is the disappearance of dinosaurs 65 million years ...